Saturday, March 3, 2012

Effective Communication

When I think of communication I think of how we use different techniques to express ourselves. Communication can be verbally, non verbal, signs, or written. When I thought of a person that was an effective communicator that I would like to be like, I thought of a lady that I work with, Mrs. Pat. She is a very warm person that is easy to talk to. She in non judging, always has a listening ear, a word of encouragement and helpful hand when needed. When I talk with her I feel that she is truly listening because she is making eye contact, nodding, and giving in put where needed. She is a someone that I strive to be like because many times I tend to get  lost in my own thoughts when some people talk to me that I loose thought on what that person has told me. Mrs. Pat listens and has a heart for people. As I work toward my career in Early Childhood I hope to be as half of the the communicator that Mrs. Pat is so that I can make my families and children feel as she has made me feel.


  1. Andria,
    Body language is very important to show people that we listen to them, it makes a person feel like you are listening to them and you care about what they are saying. I find that being a good listener is an essential element of effective comunication and is a part of being a great communicator.

  2. Adriana:
    Seems that Mrs. Pat has become more than a listener is the person that gives you advises to keep going. It looks like she is your motivation. I hope one day you become if you are not already the motivation of someone too!

  3. Bouthaina,

    I agree that body language is important as well as being a good listener. Two things that I still struggle with at times, but after this course hope to be more of an effective communicator.


    Thanks, Mrs. Pat is a huge motivation to me and I hope to be a motivator to someone just as Mrs. Pat is to me.
