Saturday, March 10, 2012

Verbal and Nonverbal communication

For this blog I decided to watch the show George Lopez. As I watched the show the daughter and son came in and out,  the grandmother seemed like the one that the George and his wife got disgusted with. Grandmother was sitting at the kitchen table and George and his wife were in the standing in the kitchen. They seemed to be discussing family issues or maybe what was for dinner that night. By George's body language is why I assumed that the grandmother may be a problem. It seemed that the wife was just nodding and going along with what George may have been saying.

As I turned the sound on and watched the episode I learned that my assumptions of the nonverbal cues were not completely correct. George and his wife were discussing with the grandmother, who is George's mother about discipling the son. Apparently the son had done something that the grandmother didn't like so she disciplined him a little too hard. George and the wife were outraged. They continued to discuss the problem at hand and grandmother seemed to have an answer for each thing said.

Nonverbal cues are at times often misinterupted and effects the messaged trying to be communicated. In this episode grandmother seemed to feel that she was being attacked and thus tuned out what was trying to be said. Nonverbal and verbal cues tell a lot about a person and what they are trying to say.


  1. Andy,

    The episode you chose to watch portrays a common issue between parents and grandparents. As we are leaning, nonverbal cues are incredibly important to our understanding of every situation we find ourselves in. Having a deeper understanding will enable us to be much stronger early childhood professionals!


  2. Andy,
    I also found out from this week's blog assignment that "Nonverbal cues are at times often misinterupted and effects the messaged trying to be communicated" (Andy, 2012).
    What I learned from this blog assignment that there is no substitutefor erbal communication. Nonverbal communication can help guide us in the right direction, but verbal communication can really confirm or deny what we believe to be true.
    Thanks for sharing
