Saturday, January 28, 2012

Micro Aggressions

 A few months ago my boss/administrator was trying to hire a new supervisor for our office. At the present time she has majority white supervisors. In the past she has had a wide range of cultures but overtime people come and go etc. The office is all women which creates much drama, so my administrator being an elderly white lady, says this "I'm going to try to not hire another one of the drama the last ones created." A few of my co-workers and myself just looked at her and shook our heads in disbelief. We were ashamed that she would even think that all black women or other ethnic backgrounds would be the dramatic ones in the bunch. She tends to show her racial ignorance quite often. It is sad that in today's society racism is still strong. Growing up in the south I have always been aware of racism and the effects that it has on people. However, this week after studying micro aggressions I have learned to be mindful of how I say things and even through my actions toward others.


  1. Andy,

    It's hard for me to understand why there is still so much rascism in our country towards many races. I guess there's a lack of understanding of other races and their real culture. I also learned this week to really think about what and how I say something to make sure it is really a compliment and not an microinsult. Thank you for sharing your observation/experience.

  2. Andy,
    I grew up in the north, and have seen similar displays of racism. I think the problem is nation wide. Up here in the north, especially in the small towns, we have been typically all Caucasian. There are very few minorities of any kind where I live, according to zipskinny my town is 94.5% Caucasian, and only .8%African American. This causes racism to grow, as we cannot become friends with or associate with persons of different races. Many people only know what they were taught, and curriculum on the subject is lacking.
    Mary L.

    Zipskinny. (nd). Retrieved from

  3. Mrs. Cunningham, This week has also made me more aware of things and how I say them. I have become more aware of micro-insults and the hurt that it can cause.


    Thanks for sharing. I agree that people only know what they are taught and it is a shame that racism is still as strong now as it was years ago.
