Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Thoughts on Research

These past eight weeks have been stressful and time consuming. I did not realize how much time actually has to go into research until this course. With that being said I do not hold back in saying THANK GOODNESS this course is coming to an end. :) I work full time, have two small children and this class has been hard on me. My challenge has been time management. I tried to "wing" it  but research is much more demanding and takes a great deal of time.

In the course I did learn that there are many ways to conduct research. I often found myself going to the internet to read more on the topics discussed in class because I am not good at research and wanted a more clear understanding on the different types of research. There is a lot of preparing and organizing that go into research which in my opinion makes it that much  more time consuming. The one thing that I take away from this course is that research is not something that is taken lightly and thrown together. It is time consuming, requires a great deal of preparing, and proper time management.

I wish each of my classmates the very best as we strive to finish the task set before us.


  1. Andria,
    You are definitely not alone in your opinion of research. Thanks for sharing throughout the course. Good luck with your future courses!

  2. You are so right this was very time consuming and I am happy it is almost over to if this class would have been a little longer I feel out could have gotten more out of it but it was not enough time and to much work. Thanks for sharing good luck!!!!
