Saturday, February 18, 2012

A family from another Country...

The country that I have chosen is Korea. The child that will be joining the early childhood setting is a three year old little girl. I know nothing of Korea so I will have to research the culture in order to prepare myself for this new little student.

The five ways that I will prepare myself for this new student:

1) The main thing is to prepare myself by studying and trying to learn all I can about Korea and the culture there.
2) I will prepare my classroom so that it is welcoming and has pictures of different cultures including Korea so that the child will feel more comfortable.
3) I will create a questionaire to ask the family so that I am sure to not offend the family or child by unknowing microaggressions.
4) I will prepare my other students by explaing different cultures to them so they will be able to adapt to the changes.
5) I will make the family feel welcome by explaining to them the program and giving them a time to help me understand their culture so that it will be an easy transition for the child as well as the family.

I hope that these preperations will help me to be open minded and welcoming to the new student. I think that by preparing and researching the country and culture before hand will give me some lead way in knowing what to expect.


  1. Andy,

    As I was preparing my culturally responsive list for this assignment, I wanted to find a questionaire for asking families about their culture. I never did find one. Do you have one that you already use or would you just make one yourself?

    I agree that is a good idea to research the country of origin for a new family so we have some understanding of what to expect and can have questions and resources prepared in advance.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Andy,I studied North Korea for my new student. I think your action steps in preparing your classroom will be a good start for both the parents and the child.I think finding information by using a questionaire is a good way to get to know the family's culture.
