Saturday, May 7, 2011

Child birth experience....

For this blog assignment I chose to write about the birth of my first baby. I remember finding out I was pregnant with my precious little boy about 8 months after a miscarriage at 12 majority of my pregnancy with my little boy I was on pins and needles. For the most part it was a good pregnancy....I was convinced that he was a girl and was a little in shock when the ultra sound tech said "BOY". However, I would NOT change it...I love love love that little guy. As I said my pregnancy went fairly well despite me being so nervous that something was going to happen....In March of 2009 I went in for my last ultra sound and the tech sent me straight to my doctor. Of course she couldn't answer my questions as to why I had to go see my doctor. That afternoon I went completely limp, couldn't hear or speak as the doctor was talking to me about this latest ultra sound. Thankfully my husband was in there to fill me in later. The doctor said that he was sending me to a specialist because my baby's ventricle on his brain looked a little enlarged. So for the next three weeks I was back and forth to the specialist and my doctor. The day I saw the specialist, he done a three-d ultrasound and said the same thing that my doctor said. This made me more nervous....I worked in Early Intervention and had children on my case load that had hydrocephalis and couldn't imagine my baby having that. So days went by and then I had to have an amnio because I had to much amniotic, did that forever hurt!! Plus I am terrified of needles. The amnio determined that at 37 weeks my baby boy's lungs were still not quite developed so I had to wait another week. So at 38 weeks I went in for a scheduled c-section due to the doctors thinking my baby's ventricle was enlarged. I was at a speciality hospital so that made me a little more at ease....but I wasn't completely at ease until I KNEW for sure that my precious little boy was healthy and okay! The c-section went well..and after briefly seeing my baby, he was wisked off to be checked. A day later we got the results from his ct scan and he was A-Okay.....the doctor said, "Things are fine...he just takes after his dad and has a big head" haha.....I chose my own experience because it was more familiar to me and something good came from such a scary situation. My sweet little boy just turned 2 in April and has been a sure delight! With medical technology these days, situations such as mine are better treated.

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