Sunday, March 6, 2011

A quote that I find to be interesting...

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Angela Schwindt


  1. I love it! I've been swimming in that cycle a lot lately!

  2. Great quote! Children have taught me more than I ever thought possible. Without my students I think that I would be lost sometimes, I truly truly enjoy each and every one of them!

  3. I read this and though of my own life. I have two small children (2 and 6mths) and when I thought I had my life figured out and knew where I was going, my children have shown me otherwise! I love the fact that children are put into our paths many times to show us that life is not all about us or that there is more to life then what we have in mind. ;)

  4. You're right about children teaching us. I know that all of my book ideas are inspired by the conversations i have with children.
